Sunday, 7 December 2008

USC webpage financed all 2009

There was a real danger of having the 3 year old webpage destroyed when there was no payment for the extra features (more than 20 pages) and memory in webpage. When Lisa and Goran desided to finance the usc webpage during 2008 it was saved with the new management.

Just recently the USC webpage was financed and payed for until the 30th november 2009 by Alan (Slovenia) and Babis (Greece). USC NEWS find this a good decision. Especialy when you think of that the current manager Babis had decided to decline from management December 31st.

There are rumours that the new 2009 management will start a whole new webpage, based on a free webpage builder. More on this topic when we have more information. At least for now all the USC History pages and editions the first 3 years are saved.

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